Oh, Boy
This weekend I sat down to work on my design.
For those of you just tuning in, I had less than a week to come up with my design for the dog form I'm painting for the Forsyth Humane Society. I was able to sketch out a desing but didn't color it. I also wasn't finished with the design on the face and hind leg. Then, I found out at the Sponsor/Artist party that we need to paint the platform.
Although it's a little scary that we're getting our forms two weeks late, I definately could use the time to finish the design. This is what I had planned to do this weekend.
I sat down Saturday evening and evaluated what I had to do. Instead of going to an area where the design wasn't complete, I started where it was complete and started redesigning. I wasn't happy with that section at all but I was having a complete block on how to redo it. A small amount of fear began creeping up my throat.
"Maybe I should just move on to a section that needs to be colored."
This didn't bring immediate relief but at least I had some results. Unfortunately, I only finished coloring one leg and the day was done! There was no time on Sunday to pick up from here. I had updates to make to my SoulPerSuit web site by midnight Sunday. That fear in my throat began to turn to a choking lump.
Oh, boy.
Does every artist experience this? Do you question your work and wonder ever if you're up to the challenge? It's just fear, isn't it?
Labels: Art Unleashed
I question my ability, talent, stamina, stick-to-itivness, asthetic, and sense of style on a daily basis. Human beings, and maybe even artists more than anyone, are always searching for affirmation. Am I doing this right? Am I ok? Do people like what I create? Do people like ME?
I think you're right that it's mainly fear. Fear needs to be put to rest or else you'll be putting your creativity to rest instead. Let me help you.
I always look at your work with a touch of "now why couldn't I have thought of that? That's brilliant!" You have a fellow artist who admires your ability, talent, stamina, stick-to-itivness,asthetic, and sense of style. :)
By Erin, at 12:43 PM
Wow! Those are powerful words. They are humbling and affective. They completely burst the bubble that says I should not be doing this. It means a lot coming from you. I admire your work so much, your vote of confidence means a lot.
The level to wich some artist's allow this fear to affect them is what actually made them famous. They never felt they measured up and were consumed. At the Sponsor/Artist party, someone asked, "Are you an artist or a sponsor?" I choked on the word, "Artist." I mean, the joke is on them, right?
Several books address this common angst in artists. "The Artist's Way" deals with it practically. "Scribbling in the Sand" deals with it spiritually. My absolute favorite, though, is "Imagine: A Vision for Christians in the Arts". Both "Imagine" and "Scribbling" have letters in the closing chapter from prominant scholars and artists that encourage the rest of us to persevere despite this fear.
We need to do as you have kindly done for me. We need to encourage each other. Thank you so much. You made me feel like an artist today.
By rhon, at 1:56 PM
Wow Rhon! This whole enterprise is amazing...you are "bery brathe"! (a Moriah Wauerism). I'm honored to be associated with a REAL artist! I'm afraid I'm just pretending.
Your art dog is simply beautiful. I can't wait to see him when he's finished. He puts me in mind of the cool art horses dotted throughout the Nags Head area.
Though we haven't known each other well nor for a long time, you've been such an encourager to me in my soul's persuit. I'd like to be the same for you.
I have a couple of giraffes that I've been wanting use as canvases but either haven't had time or am too scared to start.
What's the history of "drool on the frog?" I always wonder how people come up with their monikers.
By gramarty, at 11:25 PM
Forgot to tell you who wrote the entry above. Bev
By gramarty, at 11:27 PM
Bev - Thank you so much. Your words are so encouraging - and flattering! We lie to ourselves so I try to listen when others talk about my work, so, thank you.
Your work on the first SPS project was astounding. I had seen Erin's work but then I knew the apple didn't fall far from the tree.
By rhon, at 7:43 PM
Oh, yea. Drool on the Frog. I've been waiting for someone to ask me about that. It will be in an upcoming post. Stay tuned.
By rhon, at 8:06 AM
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