2 Coats: It Does A Body Good
I've put on two coats of the iridescent white acrylic. As you can see, it's an improvement. The picture actually makes it looked more streaked than it really is. I don't know which did the trick: the utility brush, putting the paint on thick, or the second coat. I actually think it was all three. Anyway, it's a huge relief and now I can get on with sketching and painting the actual design.
I also realized that I am not going to get the glassy smooth, autobody finish I saw in my head. Acrylic paint has body. It's the nature of acrylic to be affected by the tools you use to manipulate it. I'm sure you can get a smoother finish, but I don't have the time or the experience in this project to accomplish that.
Isn't he cute?
Labels: Art Unleashed, Mediums
By Anonymous, at 10:20 AM
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