Drool on the Frog

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Oh Yea, The Paint!

I know. I should have taken care of this already but I haven't ordered my paints yet.

I haven't gone back on my word. I am getting almost everything at my local store, Mona Lisa. But they don't carry the Golden Iridescent Pearl that I'm using for the base and the Lascaux UV-1 Gloss Varnish. The very first thing I will do to SAM (the form) is put on the base coat of Iridescent Pearl. So you would have though I would have ordered it by now. Procrastination. Scatter brained. I'm becoming more like an artist everyday.

My first problem is that I have no idea how much paint to buy. I'm guessing but I think it's going to take a lot. And I also have to paint the base. DickBlick is out of the 32 oz. jar at $51.00. That puts me ordering four of the 8 oz. jars at $16.00 each! With shipping I'm at $90. What am I going to do?

The first thing that comes to mind in my panic is to look at ordering somewhere else. Sure enough, I find the 32 oz. jar on JerrysArtarama. I don't like this web site but at least it has my paint - I think. It's subtle, I know, but the Iridescent Pearl comes in Fine or Coarse. I want Fine. Jerrys site doesn't specify! Why wouldn't it specify! I mean, I would think that would be important.

O.k. Calm down. What if I really don't need 32 oz. Or what if I need 100! This is what I really need to know.

I called and blew off some steam with My Geek. What a great listener!

Lightbulb! I think I need to contact Cowpainters. Maybe they can help. They've been making these forms for 7 years. Surely this question has come up.

I e-mailed them (my favorite form of communication) at mailto:info@cowpainters.com. I hoped I would hear from them today. It just more than an hour later, I got this:

Rule of thumb is that it takes a lot less paint than you'd probably think
when you're looking at the form. We'd say one 2oz. tube of one color will
cover Buddy.

Let us know if you need anything else!

All the best,

Can you believe this!? And I was going to buy 32 oz.! You guys probaby already had this part figured out. But, secretly, for the rest of you, there we are. I won't tell if you won't.

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  • Thank you for doing this blog! Some of the Forsyth Humane Society volunteers, such as moi, love the idea, and will be keeping up with your progress, doubts, and we are sure ultimate triumph, every step of the way.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:03 PM  

  • Thanks dropping by! For those of you who will simply waiting for the big reveal in April, this will be a way that you can stay apart of the process along the way.

    By Blogger rhon, at 9:02 PM  

  • this is my second time doing one of these fiberglass things. it's great fun, and you learn a lot figuring out how to achieve your vision. enjoy yourself and good luck.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:59 PM  

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