Drool on the Frog

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Where Am I and the The Black Dahlia

BocSorry it's been such a long hiatus. Things have been crazy around here and I haven't even had time to say, "boo".

Because my social calendar has been busier, I haven't watched very many movies. I've also been spending more time with the TV premier season. (Check the sidebar for my list.) I have caught a couple of movies. One I will review for Friday.

Last weekend we went to see The Black Dahlia. The four of us have very different tastes and opinions on movies so it's a notable occasion when we all agree. The Minx almost feel asleep and Valet Boy was uncharacteristically silent (a sure sign of boredom). I really don't think this warrants a full review but a warning.

Brian De Palma directed the film. He's done films of great story and style like Scarface and The Untouchables. The Black Dahlia can be credited with having style but the story is a chopped up, convoluted mess. You can probably blame Josh Friedman's screenplay since his previous credits, War of the Worlds and Chair Reaction don't bring a lot to the table. I haven't read James Ellroy's novel so I don't know if that's where the mess began or not.

There's an all-star cast but I have to blame their melodrama accompanied by equally melodramatic music to the director. Sometimes the music was so over the top it actually produced titters.

I don't want to spend a lot more time on this. It is one of the worst movies I've seen in a long time. (The worst is probably "The New World".) If I hadn't of been with friends, I would have walked out on it.



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