Drool on the Frog

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Art Unleashed 2008!

It's back!

Art Unleashed was so successful in 2006 that the Forsyth Humane Society of North Carolina has decided to do it again.

This blog began as a journal of my participation in the original AU 2006. My intention then was to write about three things. First, to keep everybody up to date on how I was progressing with painting my dog. Next, to keep up some excitement about the project during three months of silence while the artists franticly painted their forms. And, finally, to write about everything I learned about painting a fiberglass 3D form.

Last time, I found out about AU only eight days before the artist submission deadline! I was so excited about participating, though, that I worked constantly to get my design finished and submitted, quite literally, in the last hour. It was a wonderful experience so I was thrilled to hear they were doing it again.

Now that I'm on their mailing list, I got early notice that the deadline for artist design submissions is June 1, 2007. And wouldn't you know, my mind is a complete blank. Was it just serendipitous last time? I don't typically work better under pressure; I'm a wreck, actually. So I'm struggling. I will be infinitely sad if I can't participate again.

Stay tuned.



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