Drool on the Frog

Friday, August 10, 2007

Tattoo Art

On our adventure to the beach, Fluffy and I decided to temporarily commemorate the occasion with henna tattoos. Of course, the artist is not allowed to use true henna anymore because someone had an allergic reaction.

Fluffy and I know it would be impossible to choose a real tattoo because it took us forever to pick these little guys. I thought I might thrill MyGeek by having his name (temporarily) inked across my bicep but that was out of my budget. Once I spied this SPS inspired ditty, I went with it. It is still visible on the outside of my right ankle. I should have had it done in a more prominent location (like my forehead). No one has even noticed it.

The process was so quick and simple, I actually looked online about getting into the temporary tattoo business myself but quickly decided I didn't need any more art projects. These people are making a killing at this, though. Let me tell ya.



  • Henna tattoos have quickly become a must have on summer vacations! :)

    Thanks for your support of Three One Six!

    By Blogger WMD, at 6:53 PM  

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