Drool on the Frog

Monday, November 24, 2008

MoPo: Jen Stark

I love paper. A disturbing thrill comes over me whenever I enter an office supply store. Even as a kid I remember flipping through those marvelously blank pads of paper, any kind, and not understanding the uncontrollable desire to buy them all. I have the hardest time throwing away even the smallest scrap. Maybe this is why I'm drawn to the scuptures of American artist Jen Stark. She works with paper. Stacks and stacks of colored paper.

Her inspiration comes from scientific subjects (fractals, worm holes, anatomy) and her tool of choice? An x-acto knife. How wonderful. I love my x-acto knife. The sculptures are beautiful and scientific looking at the same time even though she does it all from sketches and by hand.

Stark was also featured in Wired magazine.

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Monday, November 17, 2008

MoPo: Ferry Staverman

I was escending* through some blogs one day this week and ran across several artists I want to introduce you to.

Ferry Staverman is a Finish artist who does wonderful things with cardboard and string. Most of my research only turned up dozens of blogs pointing to his work and web site so I have very little info on the artist. If you happen to read Dutch, you'll enjoy more than the impressive portfolio.

Once again, I'm drawn to artists who use everyday, found materials to create amazing visual interest. It seems they see beauty in everything. The idea of keeping things simple and being creative with what exists is a personal goal so these types of artists are very inspiring.

*escend - The process of following a link from one web site and/or blog to another repeatedly. A form of electronic rabbit chasing. (ex. Sam escends for hours resulting in his cache of obscure trivia.)

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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Fall and the Dog
