Drool on the Frog

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Check, Check and Check

pirate heart
I've actually done pretty well on my list of projects.

  • I got the updates made to my SoulPerSuit web site.
  • I finished "The Road", a newsletter/web site for My Geek's graduation. I'm really pleased with it. It was a very quick site but I accomplished what I set out to do.
  • I made some greeting cards based off of my parade coutoure (more to come later about that).
  • I've decided to post my movie reviews here every Friday instead of coming up with a totally new blog. The first post will be this Friday. More about that later, also.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Have You Seen This Creature?

The elusive Squabbit
It always happens when you are unprepared! You're casually driving down the road and ... there it is! A squabbit! Yes, this weekend My Geek saw the elusive and rare squabbit. Distinctly described as having the tail, hind legs and body of a rabbit and the head of a squirrel.

I know some of you are skeptics. Just because Big Foot has had more sightings than the squabbit doesn't make it any less real! Not nearly as popular as the jack-a-lope, the squabbit myth struggles to come out from the shadows of obscurity and doubt into the real world of wikipedia and it's own movie deal.

To arms! The squabbit was sighted on Polo Road just North of Peace Haven. Grab your cameras, Louis Vuitton handbag and any left over PEEPS (a squabbit can't resist high fashion and large amounts of sugar coated marshmallows).

Friday, May 12, 2006

Projects in the Queue

Race flags painted on SAMs headI never lack for a project. My challenge is to pick those projects which are reasonable, time-wise. If I say "yes" to too many things I cease to have fun no matter what I choose to do. Here's a brief list of things that will take me through to the end of the year.

  • SoulPerSuit.com - I have an arts based "spiritual journey" program. It started in 2002. I got the web site up in 2003. It really needs an update. (Due: May 31)
  • Web site/newsletter - My Geek is graduating from UNCG December 2006. Since most of our friends and family will not be able to make it to NC, I thought I would enable them to participate through a newsletter & web site. (Due: June 19, 2006)
  • "Splash" - This is the name of the boat that my sister and her husband just bought. I'm excited about designing a unique look to the name that will be cut from vinyl for the boat. (Due: August 31)
  • Wedding Invitations - My brother, Speed Racer, is getting married to Trixie in November. I have an idea for their wedding invitations but I guess I need to find out what the bride wants. (Due: October 1, 2006)
  • Greet Cards - In between projects, I would like to make some more greeting cards. I use to make lots of these and haven't in quite a while. I miss it.
  • Blogs - I currently have two blogs (this one and SoulPerSuit)and another in the works. I want to write to these MUCH more often than I get to. I need a name for my movie review blog. Any ideas?
  • Writer's Brochure - My friend, the Queen of Spades, is a writer. She needs a promotional brochure. I have some ideas in my head. I've just need to find some time for a conference call with her. Check out her writing here.

Yes, I'm insane.


Monday, May 01, 2006

Taking a Rest

SAM I AMI would have loved to put up a post immediately following the parade but I was exhausted. I got some great pictures and I want to bring those to you as well. And how great is it to drive around and see those forms scattered around! It's thrilling.

I always have projects going on so I just move from one deadline to the next. My Geek just went through finals, which turns our household upside down, and we're getting ready for him to graduate in December. We'll be putting our house up for sale and he'll be looking for a job. I'm also have a movie review blog in the works.

There's also the Auction coming up in August. Whew!